Monday, February 22, 2010


Well, this is my first blog post. Forgive me if I don't have proper "blog etiquette"...

The baby is sleeping which means I am FREE to do whatever I want for the next 45 minutes or so. I choose to spend my time with you.

We are living in Surprise, AZ right now for a total of 7 weeks. Where is Surprise? Umm out in the middle of stinkin' nowhere. If you drive a mile too far west you will find yourself in the middle of the desert. Actually surprise is a really nice town right outside of Phoenix. We are living in a furnished house, which I really enjoy. Sometimes we don't get lucky enough to find rentals like this one.

We loaded up my husband's crew cab pickup with 6 suitcases, miscellaneous baby gear, and our 16 week old baby Kaden and made the drive out here from Oklahoma. And I gotta tell ya, I'm not a fan of only having one car. Little man and I usually take Hubbs to work and then pick him up when he is done. On the couple days that Hubbs has taken the car instead of us dropping him off, the house becomes a PRISON. It may sound peaceful and relaxing to some-a perfect excuse to stay home and get things done... I, however, never seem to think of more errands I need to run or places I want to go until I don't have transportation to get there.

Today is one of those days I am here with no car. The most exciting thing that has happened today is when Kaden sneezed and farted at the same time. It was SO crazy.

Right now I am pretty desperate for some adult conversation so I am gonna make that happen. Are you supposed to sign a blog like you do a diary?

Or am I the only tool who ever signed a diary like that?

The man. The myth. My spawn.

Our new digs (for 7 weeks)

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