Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bad-Mom-of-the-Year Award

Welp, there goes my Mom-of-the-Year award! Here's the scoop:
We have a little seat that attaches to the edge of the countertop for Kaden to sit in while he eats so that we don't have to take up space in our tiny kitchen with a high chair. Yesterday morning, I sat him in his little seat, BUCKLED HIM IN, and started making his toast. Before I continue, let me just go ahead and 'fess up to something. I knew ahead of time that his little straps on his chair were way too loose. Every meal I'm like, "Right when I take him out I am gonna tighten those straps up," and never do. I'm sure you can see where this is going...
Next thing I know, I hear a huge THUD and my little angel is on the groud crying the most pathetic cry, and trying (failing) to get up. He landed on his shoulder and his head. FREAK OUT MODE. I notticed he screamed ever louder when I picked him up underneath his armpits, so I just sat him on my lap for a second to examine him. He doesn't quit crying at all, and he is holding his little right arm into his body. I threw some clothes on (I was still in jammies) and changed him out of his little PJ's as fast as possible, and headed for the Sarasota Memorial Hospital ER.

He cried the whole way there, and was still crying when we were checking in. I felt like the biggest jackass when they asked me what the problem was and how it happened. I was more concerned about the possible head injury at this point, so that was the first thing I brought up to the doctor. He told me just to keep an eye on him and then bring him back if I see any changes in his behavior. Okay, that seemed right. Now it was time for his arm. The doctor made me lift his little arm up to the front, right, and backwards, and none of this bothered Kade, so the doctor said he was fine. He never felt around on Kaden's little arm or shoulder or collarbone at all, and sent us away saying he would be ok.

I got Kaden home and fed him, but when he started playing with his toys I noticed he couldn't get off the ground. His right arm shook when he tried to push up off of it. And he still went bananas when I tried picking him up from underneath his arms. The doctor in me diagnosed him with a broken collarbone, and when I touched on it, he went crazy. I called his regular pediatrician and she told me to come right away, so back to Sarasota we went. From there she sent us across the street for some X-Rays, where they took pictures of his right shoulder and right clavicle. Kaden screamed bloody murder the whole time, to the point where I felt like I should take them back a bottle of wine or 4.

When I got home I got a call from the doctor, saying that the X-rays came back negative, no broken bones. What a relief! We catered to his sore shoulder all night long and all morning today, but I am starting to wonder if I should take him back for some more X-rays because he is still in so much pain when trying to change positions in his crib and trying to get off the ground. The worst part is that it all could have been prevented had I just had him strapped in tighter. Why is it that right when I am starting to feel settled in as a mom, something like this happens and makes me question whether I'm doing a good job or not?

Since there was absolutely NO humor whatsoever in this post, I thought I would end it with a joke. But I couldn't think of one. Better luck next time!

1 comment:

  1. Accidents happen to the best Moms! Don't worry, it's not your fault. I hope he's feeling better.


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