Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Peep Show

Hubbs has a night-game this evening, which is rare for spring training, so we decided to go to lunch as a pre-game date. Jason's Deli never fails us, so that's where we headed. After our scrumptious meal, I carried Kaden out while Josh picked up all the food he had chunked onto the ground. I noticed a lot of people were staring, but that's what happens when you have a really cute kid in your arms. Plus I don't mean to brag, but I put extra effort into my hair and makeup today and I thought I looked pretty decent.

LITTLE DID I KNOW that my son's little sandal was lifting up the front of my dress as we walked toward the exit. Praise Jesus I wore the boy-shorts undies today instead of the barely-there lacy ones that were right next to them in the drawer. I was MORTIFIED. So you're welcome diners of Jason's Deli for strip show that costed you NOTHING. Oh, and sorry old lady mid-bite into your Club Royale sandwich on a croissant, didn't mean to make you gag.

1 comment:

  1. Bahahaha! If it makes you feel any better, one of my fellow grad assistant teachers at O-State tucked her skirt into her hose after using the bathroom and proceeded to walk all the way from Life Science West to Morrill before being stopped and told about it! :)


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