Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fat Tuesday

Happy Mardi Gras! I hope you are wearing your beads proudly and out getting a tattoo or something right now. I am home icing my foot, which is still giving me problems. I'm currently sitting on the couch watching The Biggest Loser, drinking a coke. A full calorie coke. I figured it seemed very appropriate to watch The Biggest Loser on Fat Tuesday. Hehehehehehe.

My podiatrist appointment the other day was very unproductive. Everyone had told me that first thing he would do is pull my toes this way and that and asked if it hurt, then take an X-ray, maybe an MRI. I was told they have special equipment for looking at feet, so I would probably be feeling better in time for my Sarasota Half Marathon this coming Sunday.

I went in, told the guy that the outside of my foot hurt and that my foot felt "creaky" and that I was having trouble walking. He did not play with my toes, he just told me that I had some small tears in either my tendons or ligaments, he didn't really go over it too much. Ummmmmm... How could he possible know that when he didn't even TOUCH my foot, nor take any kind of pictures of it. I seriously thought going in that I had some kind of stress fracture since I could barely stand on it. So whatever, he's the doctor, I smiled and nodded and agreed to paying for very expensive orthotics that would "change my life". Then he sent me to a little room with his nurse so she could tape my foot up. She told me that I HAD to leave the tape on for three days, and that after that I could come in anytime to get re-taped. I told her that I had friends in town and that we were planning on going to the beach later that afternoon, and probably the next day as well. THREE days, she made it clear again. The taping fell off five hourse later as I was changing shoes. Awesome.

Today when I woke up, I was extremely sore and having a hard time walking around the house, so I decided that I would load Kaden up and head on over to his office again to get taped again. I feel like those five hours I had it on last time really helped at the time. I was about half-way there when I decided to call to make sure they were even open. To my relief, the receptionist answered and I told her I was heading over to get taped. "Do you have an appointment?" she asked. I explained to her that no I did not have an appointment because the nurse told me I could come by any time to get taped, so I was on my way now. Her tone changed about three octaves and she told me to hold. A minute later she informed me that I do need an appointment and that they don't have an opening for a couple days.

WHAT..... THE....

Somehow I managed to hang up without going off on anyone, but I was NOT happy! I tried my own ghetto tape job staright from a YouTube lesson, but I just looked like a mummy on my left foot all day. Not cool. All I can really do is laugh now about my last couple doctor's appointments. I'm just dreading my annual gyno appointment seeing the trends from my podiatrist and dermatologist.

Mardi Gras used to be one of my favorite holidays in college- along with Cinco de Drinko- so I feel like I should at least have a glass of wine to celebrate Fat Tuesday. CHEERS!

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