Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Eating well BLOWS

Ugggghhhh, It's mid-afternoon, but it feels like 9:00 or 10:00pm already. I. am. so. HUNGRY! This fruit and veggie crap is a load of bull. I'm starving. They say that after a couple days of not eating so much sugar and bad stuf for your body, you start to get used to it, and that your stomach starts to shrink back to it's normal size. Who are "THEY" anyways? To make me even grumpier, I forgot my iron pill this morning and yesterday morning. I am anemic, so when I forget my iron pill, I have zero energy. Blahhhhhh.

So anyways, on a more positive note, I am on day 2 of trying to take better care of myself. I usually try this about 3 or 4 times a month- always on a Monday, because it would just be detrimental to start on a weekend, or a day that is rapidly approaching a weekend (this includes Tuesday). I am going to post all my goals soon because when I write down a goal and tell people about it, it usually happens. Operation: Take Better Care of Myself will probably be in the Top 30. Fiiiine, I can probably manage to move some stuff around to move it up to my Top 5. This is gonna be me soon if not-

"I just had a baby, I swear!"

I have a hard time taking any kind of diet or lifestyle change seriously when I am about to make a cross-country journey. Not to mention the fact that I want to get rid of (devour) most of the perishable food that I already have here at the house so we don't have to waste much of it when we leave. It's just a shame that some of these perishable food items include chips, crackers, 3 cookies, 1/4 tub of Publix Chocolate Almond ice cream (theirs is always a little bit melty, which makes it even more awesome), a loaf of bread, and hamburger meat. So for now I am gonna go with the idea I read in Shape magazine before all the "Eat Clean" diets came out- Everything in Moderation. Last time I tried the Everything in Moderation plan, one thing led to another, and the next thing I knew, I was parked at Sonic with an Oreo Blast in my hand. It felt oh-so-right at the time.

I hope you are getting the picture of my love affair with foods. I mean I LOVE food. So yeah, it's obviously time for a change, I don't want to turn into a glutton! Or I guess rather, I don't want to be a glutton-in-disguise any longer. I remember a teammate in college of mine watching me devour 5 spicy McChicken Sandwiches (hey, they were only a buck each!) and fries one afternoon, and telling me "I can't believe you just eat whatever you want. This is all gonna catch up with you someday!" Looking back, I think that was a freakin' spell she put on me! It was either that or the whole "your metablism starts slowing down after age 20" line. I choose to blame witchcraft instead of place the blame on myself ;).

Regardless, IT'S TIME. My baby is 17 months old, and I have been carrying around too much extra weight for that long. Some changes are in the near future, and I'm excited about it. Colorado Springs should be the PERFECT place to implement them! After all, Colorado is one of the healthiest states according to a poll on yahoo.com I read last week. And if it's on the internet, it must be true! Stay tuned for more info in the upcoming weeks, because I will be recruiting others to make changes as well!

We got Hubbs off to the airport safe and sound today to send him to head to Scottsdale to meet up with his new team. It was like dropping off a kid at the first day of kindergarten. Except, we have done this ordeal a couple times now (this is his 4th team in pro baseball, after all). And this kid had a carry-on instead of a backpack, and had to pay $285 in luggage fees. So yeah, it was actually not like dropping a kid off for his first day of kindergarten after all. Forget I said that, I may use that analogy down the road. We are already missing him, and looking forward to seeing him in a couple weeks. And by we I mean I, because it's still only 3:30 and Kaden has no idea that Hubbs isn't just at work yet.

SMILE today!

This was the sky this morning when we left home... how could you NOT smile?!

1 comment:

  1. We should be accountability partners. I am trying HARD to give up coffee. Not doing so well.


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