Saturday, April 16, 2011

Moved In

I made it to Colorado Springs last Monday. Our families kept Kaden while I went up to move our stuff in and date my sweet Hubbs for a few days. It was a short, sweet ten-hour drive from OKC. No dog, no baby, no passenger- it was a breeze! I sang as many old Britney Spears, Spice Girls, and Pitbull songs as I wanted at the top of my lungs without worrying about disturbing anyone. I swear I sounded exactly like all three of them.

Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado state lines. Obviously.

I learned a little something on my way up that I am gonna go ahead and share as a tip to all the single ladies out there. I wish I would have known this in college! Go out and get yourself a big ol' shiny pickup truck and some kind of a trailer, and you will have boys eyeing you up no matter what you look like. They must like girls in big trucks because I have never been hit on more in my life than on my little road trip! Granted, these *gentlemen* eyeing me up (or maybe it was the truck, but whatever!) were usually missing four or five teeth, talked in an incomprehensible hick accent with a lip full of tobacco, and scared me enough to where I limited all my gas stops to under three minutes, but hey, IT WORKS! Thank me later.

Eat your heart out ladies, this could be yours!

When Hubbs left for a road trip, I decided to fly out of Denver instead of Colorado Springs so I could fly my beloved Southwest. Well, you know those people who are at the airport just ticked off at the world? And who take all their frustration out on ticketing agents, security agents, and gate agents? Yeah, I was surrounded by those winners that day. There was a lady behind me in the security line who was about 4 feet 9 inches who was huffing and sighing as if that would make the line go faster. Every time I would move up 5 inches in line, she would move up 5.5 inches in line. I might as well have been giving this woman a piggy-back ride. The only thing that kept me from saying something to her was the fact that she looked and sounded exactly like Wanda Sykes. So I actually began to enjoy her little rants. Who knew miserable people could actually be extremely entertaining?!

Then the lady behind me on the plane had three beers on our one-hour flight, so not only could I smell her feet when she decided to get a little more comfortable by taking off her shoes, but I could also smell the beer on her breath. Don'tget me wrong, I don't dislike the smell of beer at all. The smell of beer that has already been consumed, but then released in the form of carbon dioxide through an exhale, however, NOT A FAN. I added a diagram to make to help you understand my pain:

We went to Stillwater for the Oklahoma State spring football scrimmage yesterday and it was a blast, but the real highlight of my day happened earlier that morning when my mom, grandma, sister, and I played with the mind of one of mother nature's finest- the Cardinal. The male Cardinal is a very proud, very territorial bird who claims his territory with his song and can turn downright rotten if you are a fellow male Cardinal who intrudes his territory. We used this to our advantage when we saw and heard one of these beautiful red birds chirping away happily in my parents' backyard. Don't ask why because I think it's odd too, but my mom has the "Chirp! Bird Songs USA" app on her iPhone, and it plays the sound of different birds throughout the United States. Soooo we connected the iPhone to a loud speaker, turned it to a Cardinal's chirp, and blared it from the speaker. Mean, but very funny! The bird went loco and was looking for a fight. Or maybe looking to mate, I really never can tell to be honest. See for yourself-

I couldn't sign off this blog without posting a view from one of our main roads in Colorado Springs. This is Pikes Peak and it takes my breath away! No literally, I cannot breathe at the top of Pikes Peak, I've been there before. Ideally I would like to get in good enough shape to do some kind of Pikes Peak run before our time in Colorado expires. Maybe like a 5k or something.

Had to add this picture, because it makes me smile! We had family over today and all the kids got easter baskets with bunny ears in them and somehow my Papa ended up with them on. He looks so EXCITED about it! Smile today! Ohhh and GO OKC THUNDER!!!


  1. No passenger??? I would take offense to that if I wasn't so glad that I didn't have to make the trip to Colorado!! LOL just kidding. Glad you're moved in. Gladder that Kaden is here!!

  2. Umm.. yeah... I am SURE it was the truck the guys were looking at, not the super hot mommy inside. Come ON now...


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