Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Walls are Closing In

We are STILL in Surprise, AZ, but this time we are staying at a hotel. We have been staying here for about 3 months, so fortunately it's a suite- we have our own room, Kaden (8 months now) has his, and we have a living area and a kitchen. Before you go picturing some extravagent 2500-sf extravagent suite, let me just tell you... IT's NOT. I love it, it's a nice set-up, but baby things are practically overflowing out the door. And that's not exaggerating- this morning I didn't make it out the door without kicking a squeaking "duckie" into the hall. I'm sure any mom reading this will say, "Hahaha silly Ash, that's not just because you live in a hotel, that's just part of living with a kid." Which I TOTALLY agree. However, I was prepared for this at my own home. I have organizers, shelves, and toy chests. I constantly find myself in a Donny Deutsche state of mind, looking in from my hotel room door thinking, there's gotta be a better way! So that is my mission today my friends: refigure these quarters to make it baby-friendly, mom-happy, and acceptable by hotel management.

Take cover! Hurricane Kaden!

Our new digs

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