Sunday, July 25, 2010

Forever 25

Well, I find myself sitting here on the eve of my 26th birthday soaking up the last two and a half hours of being 25. I feel like 25 was just that age where you could still screw up and people would be like, "Oh well she's a real freakin' idiot, but she's just young." You can still get away with little things you could get away with when you were 25. There's still people in college at age 25! There is some kind of invisible forcefield on the calendar to where you turn 26, and you are supposed to mature a little more. This same forcefield applies also at 17 going on 18, 29 going on 30, etc. I'm sure people will be like, "OMG OMG she thinks 26 is old, she doesn't even have a clue! (snicker, snicker, snicker)..." Nope. Not what I'm saying at all!

All I'm saying is that I can't believe that in a couple short hours I will be over the age that the scummiest of scumbag old men hit on at trendy, uppity bars. Now I graduate to just the regular scummy men who will hit on anything, any age.

We celebrated my birthday with good friends Carla and Tyler in Scottsdale last night. We didn't want to waste any money on childcare when we have a perfectly good Britax car seat, so we just kept Kaden in the car. KIDDING! We have a great sitter here in Surprise that we love. It was fun, but today I'm exhausted. Just can't go like I used to! We got home at 3am I think. ZZZzzzzzzzz. According to my Weight Watchers app on my iPhone, I racked up somewhere around 53 Weight Watchers points last night. Ouch. Welp, mama needs some sleep!

1 comment:

  1. So I am now on creeper status. I saw this blog link and figured I would find some good reading. What I see, though, is that you are slackin momma! :)


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